Laborist program

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When you’re expecting, you might not be ready for the unexpected – but we are. At Aurora BayCare Medical Center, our laborist program ensures that a board-certified OB-GYN is on-site 24/7 to assist with labor and delivery. Whenever your little one decides to show up, you can rest assured that we’re standing by to keep you both healthy and safe.

Labor and delivery services: Why choose Aurora BayCare Medical Center?

Our full-service maternity program features:

  • Skilled providers: Our labor and delivery team includes nurses, midwives and OB-GYNs. Some of our doctors have additional fellowship training in neonatology and maternal-fetal medicine. We have the expertise to care for both low- and high-risk pregnancies.
  • Experienced team: We handle the largest volume of births in northeast Wisconsin, so you receive care from experienced providers. Our team also does ongoing simulation training to ensure that we’re ready for any obstetrical emergency.
  • Commitment to safety: Research suggests that having laborists available 24/7 can reduce inductions, preterm births and cesarean sections. As the only one of its kind in the region, our laborist program puts your safety and peace of mind first.

How does the laborist program work?

When you arrive at our hospital in labor, the on-site laborist evaluates you within 30 to 90 minutes. We update your primary OB-GYN about your condition.

Your laborist works with an anesthesiologist and obstetrical nurses to guide you through every stage of labor and delivery, according to your birth plan whenever possible. Your entire care team is ready to address problems right away. 

Benefits of the laborist program

With a dedicated laborist available at all hours, you receive:

  • Around-the-clock monitoring for high-risk pregnancies
  • Availability 24/7, including holidays
  • Immediate care for emergency situations
  • Reduced risk of complications