The right bike fit helps you pedal faster and go farther. Our specialists at Aurora BayCare Medical Center provide expert bike-fitting services to keep you riding in comfort.

Bike fitting: Why choose Aurora BayCare Medical Center?

Our sports physical therapists have advanced training in biomechanics (how the body moves) and injury prevention. We use our expertise to improve ride efficiency and performance for cyclists of all levels.

Bike-fitting services

Whether you ride for fun or compete in races, proper fit matters for comfort, safety and performance. Our team provides bike fitting for race, road and mountain bikes.

Our personalized bike-fitting services include:

  • Musculoskeletal screening to see how your body aligns and balances on your bike
  • Review of your cycling history and current training program
  • Static bike fitting services, including adjustments to:
    • Foot alignment
    • Handlebar position
    • Saddle position
    • Cycling mechanics
  • Advice on injury prevention

Benefits of bike fitting

A bike that fits properly helps you:

  • Improve cycling efficiency
  • Ride faster
  • Prevent injury

Bike-fitting services pricing

We complete your bike-fitting analysis in two sessions. Cost for this two-session package is $200. Sessions include:

  • Session 1: 90-minute initial consultation. Full bike fit of one bike including cleats, saddle and handlebar adjustments.
  • Session 2: 45-minute follow-up visit to be scheduled within six months of initial consultation. Includes reevaluating initial bike fit or possible second bike fitting.

Call 920-288-5491 for more information or to schedule your bike-fit analysis.