Mammography Services
Breast cancer screening and detection
Radiologists at Aurora BayCare offer you the latest in mammography and other diagnostic technologies for the earliest possible detection of breast cancer.
Mammography is currently the best breast cancer screening tool, detecting approximately 2 to 3 times as many early breast cancers as physical exams. Regular self-breast exams, a yearly clinical exam, and mammography (as prescribed by your doctor) increase the opportunity to detect breast cancer early, when it can be treated most successfully.
Digital Mammography
Aurora BayCare was the first in the region to offer digital mammograms. Digital mammograms provide you with faster, more accurate results. Breast cancer treatment is most effective when tumors are found early, requiring less surgical or drug treatment. A mammogram uses a safe, low-dose X-ray to detect changes in the breast, long before abnormalities can be felt. Schedule your mammogram today.
Breast Ultrasound
Breast ultrasound is another technique used to create images of the breast tissue. Ultrasound is sometimes used during a breast biopsy to guide needle insertion, particularly when the abnormality is too small to be felt by hand.
Stereotatic Biopsy
A stereotactic biopsy is a method used to take samples from a lump that can be detected by mammogram or ultrasound but that cannot be felt by hand.
During stereo imaging, two-dimensional digital images of your breast are taken from two different angles. The images are analyzed via computer and three-dimensional location coordinates are calculated for your breast abnormality. With these coordinates to guide the biopsy needle, your radiologist can accurately sample tissue or fluid.
MRI Guided Breast Biopsy
In MRI-guided breast biopsy, magnetic resonance imaging is used to help guide your radiologist's instruments to the abnormal growth site.
CAD Technology Means Earlier Detection
Computer-aided detection (CAD) is a recent advance in mammography. CAD technology is a computerized review of digitized mammograms that marks areas of suspected abnormalities. CAD technology enhances treatment outcomes because the rate of early detection of small abnormalities increases.