Imaging Services
Equipped with the region’s most advanced imaging technology
Aurora BayCare radiologists offer a broad range of non-invasive and minimally invasive imaging techniques to provide you with early detection and an accurate diagnosis of your health condition.
Aurora BayCare is equipped with the region’s most advanced imaging technology and experienced radiologists. We are constantly striving to add new and innovative services that will improve the quality and efficiency of our patient care.
Computed Tomography (CT)
CT, also referred to as a CAT scan, is a noninvasive diagnostic test. In addition to diagnostics, a CT is also useful in surgical planning by providing three-dimensional representations of the surgical area.
With a CT test, X-ray and computer technology combine to create detailed diagnostic images of your body. This test produces a series of high resolution X-rays taken at multiple angles. A CT test takes about 30 minutes.
CT scans are painless. During testing, you lie on a table that moves you into a doughnut-shaped scanner. Your technologist will watch you from an observation window and can communicate with you at all times. You might hear buzzing, humming or clicking sounds as the CT machine moves to reposition you for multiple images.
CT Angiography
Angiography no longer requires a visit to the hospital or the long recuperation associated with standard angiograms.
An angiogram provides a detailed, high-resolution, three-dimensional image of your blood vessels. Your doctor may feel an angiogram is necessary if you experience leg pain when walking, stroke-like symptoms or stroke, high blood pressure, tumors, congenital abnormalities of blood vessels, or other conditions.
An IV will be placed in your arm or wrist. The test takes approximately 20 minutes.
Our next-generation, 128-slice CT scan provides the most accurate and detailed image of heart disease available. It provides a fast and accurate assessment of plaque and blockages in the coronary arteries.
Ultrasound, also known as sonography, is a non-invasive imaging technique using high-frequency sound waves to produce accurate, moving images of structures within your body. Our highly advanced ultrasound imaging tools include color Doppler, cine imaging, and electronic network capabilities. Ultrasound is commonly used to evaluate the abdominal and pelvic organs, breasts, thyroid gland, and testes, aswell as blood flow in arteries and veins. Ultrasound is painless and the examination typically takes 15 to 30 minutes.
Vascular Ultrasound
Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique to measure blood flow and identify blood clots in various parts of your body, including the carotid arteries located in your neck, the renal arteries that supply blood to your kidneys, and the arm and leg arteries that form your deep venous system.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an advanced diagnostic technique that produces body images using a large magnet, radio waves, and a computer. You are not exposed to radiation and it is safe for individuals allergic to X-ray dyes or who have moderately impaired kidneys.
To receive an MRI, you will lie on a cushioned table that moves into a tube-shaped scanner. Your technologist watches you through an observation window and can communicate with you at all times. The scanner makes tapping noises as is moves through various imaging sequences. MRIs typically take 60 minutes to complete.
Our 3T MRI unit provides more detailed scans for greater diagnostic accuracy. This high-tech microscope picks up subtle abnormalities that a traditional MRI may miss.
Cardiac MRI
Cardiac MRI provides dynamic images of the heart in motion. Images are generated throughout the cardiac cycle and are acquired in combination with your heart rate (by simultaneous EKG acquisition). We get a four chamber view of your heart, providing the most advanced diagnosis possible for cardiac disease.
X-ray imaging (radiography) is still the most commonly used technique in radiology. Every part of the body can be imaged using X-ray, and it is a quick and easy diagnostic tool. X-ray is commonly used to look for fractures, as well as to examine the chest, abdomen, and superficial soft tissues.
To make an X-ray, a part of the body is exposed to a very small quantity of X-rays. The X-rays pass through the tissues, striking a film to create an image. X-rays are safe when properly used by radiologists and technologists specially trained to minimize exposure. No radiation remains in your body after the radiograph is obtained.
Fluoroscopy provides a continuous X-ray image on a monitor and shows how your body is functioning by displaying moving images. With fluoroscopy, a dye or other contrast agent is combined with an X-ray beam to capture motion.