Hospitalists Programs

Accessible around the clock

When it comes to your health care, coordinated communication is key. Aurora BayCare hospitalists work with you and your primary doctor to provide ongoing coordinated care during your hospital stay.

Hospitalists are medical doctors who specialize in caring for hospitalized patients. Hospitalists are on-site at Aurora BayCare 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Hospitalists work closely with you and your family, and with your regular physician, to provide ongoing and immediate care.

Benefits to You

Because they are accessible around the clock, hospitalists can provide immediate and seamless care. They can read test results as soon as they are available, order additional tests if necessary, consult with specialists when appropriate, and communicate quickly with you, your family, and your regular physician.

Because they are familiar with hospital procedure, as well as departments and specialists within the hospital, they can readily coordinate the care you need. They are available in an emergency or when you have questions.

What to Expect

Whether your regular physician coordinates your hospital admission, or whether you arrive at Aurora BayCare via the emergency department, the hospitalist team will maintain contact with your physician during your stay.

Your physician transfers your care management to the hospitalist team, providing information about your medical history, medications, and special needs. A hospitalist manages your care while you are in the hospital. Our hospitalists will:

  • Assess and treat your medical condition
  • Coordinate and follow up on all aspects of your hospital care
  • Review your progress with your physician
  • Maintain a relationship with you and your family
  • Transition medical care, upon your discharge, back to your regular physician, who resumes responsibility for your ongoing outpatient treatment

If you anticipate a hospital stay, talk with your doctor about what to expect and find out how your doctor works with Aurora BayCare hospitalists.