Seven Local EMS Students Awarded Scholarships at Winter Aurora BayCare EMS Huddle

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Seven Local EMS Students Awarded Scholarships at Winter Aurora BayCare EMS Huddle

Seven students enrolled in the emergency medical services (EMS) program at Northeast Wisconsin Technical College have been awarded financial scholarships from Aurora BayCare Medical Center and BayCare Clinic Foundation, in collaboration with Aurora BayCare emergency medicine physician Dr. Christopher Sorrells, and retired emergency medicine physicians Drs. Joseph Hodgson and Michael Medich.

The EMS department at NWTC is a certified training center for emergency medical technician (EMT) and paramedic education, as well as being a regional training center for the American Heart Association.

Recipients of the $1,000 grant to support their training to become paramedics included: Kim Davister, Justin Hansen, Gregory Lexow, and Devin Nikodem.

Recipients of the $500 tuition reimbursements in support of their pursuit to become emergency medical technicians included: Alyssa Nier, Britney Parma, and Desiree Wilhelm. (Not pictured: Justin Hansen and Devin Nikoderm)

These EMS student financial scholarships are rewarded based on financial need and each student's overall application.

After the scholarships were given, Dr. Dhimant Patel, oncologist at Aurora BayCare Medical Center, led a discussion for dozens of local emergency response professionals at our bi-annual EMS Huddle. The conversation was centered around pre-hospital management of the oncology patient.

Dr. Dhimant Patel

Find more information about Aurora BayCare's emergency medical services here.